Facts about Sperm Count Apps
The researchers have created a gadget that cost under $5 which to be connected to your cellphone and then will give a speedy as well as simple semen assessment. The gadget is still being developed, yet an investigation with regards to the capabilities of the machine, in Science Translational Medicine, have the conclusion that it is similarly accurate like the intricate computer-assisted semen examination machines that costs a huge number of dollars in the measurement of the sperm count, sperm concentration, total motile cells as well as sperm motility.
This kind of gadget utilizes an optical attachment for the magnification together with a microchip that is disposable for processing the semen sample. With two lenses that do not need manual focusing as well as a cheap battery, it will slide onto the cell phone's camera. The overall expense for assembling such equipment is $4.45, which includes $3.59 for the optical connection and then 86 cents for the microfluidic chip that holds the semen sample.
And how to get the sperm count, well, of course there is an app for that one. The software is created with a basic interface that will able to guide the user by means of the test with onscreen prompts. After the sample is being inserted, the application will able to photograph it, make a video and then show whatever the result in less than five seconds. The test results are then being stored on the phone in order for the semen quality can be checked after at all times. Know more about sperm count test in http://www.ehow.com/about_5070018_foods-increase-sperm-count.html.
Having this kind of Sperm count app at home, no man will get to be embarrassed and most of all be stressed of giving a sample in a doctor's clinic.
According to a certain doctor, the gadget could likewise be helpful for men who have vasectomies, who should come back to the urologist for semen examination twice in the six months after the method. Compliance is really inadequate, yet with the utilization of this gadget, a man could do his own semen examination at the comfort of their home and just email whatever the result to the urologist.
Sperm test on phone can save a lot of time both the patient and the physician. So, if you are planning to have your semen checked, then this sperm count device together with sperm count application is what you need. Research first about this device before you purchase one in order to make sure that you are using the right one.